Vitamin D 'significantly reduces severe asthma attacks

A recent review of evidence suggests that taking vitamin D along with asthma medication may reduce the risk of severe asthma attacks. download

.A review taken by the Cochrane research body in 9 clinical files found that the rate of asthma attacks needing steroid treatment are reduced.

It is unclear though whether taking vitamin D only helps people who are vitamin D deficient., and that more studies are needed before they can give official advice.

Please speak to your GP or pharmacist before taking the supplement.

Professor Adrian Martineau, said they found vitamin D “significantly reduced the risk of severe asthma attacks, without causing side effects”.

They found taking vitamin D reduced the risk of severe asthma attacks requiring a hospital admission or a visit to A&E from 6% to 3%.

They also found the rate of asthma attacks needing steroid treatment dropped from 0.44 to 0.28 attacks per person per year.

But they found that vitamin D did not improve lung function or day-to-day asthma symptoms.

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