Press statement – bogus emails

Close up of computer key with mail symbol on it
Close up of computer key with mail symbol on it

Action for People Ltd have today been alerted to a bogus internal email which appeared to have been recently sent from the email address of Heather Hunter to internal colleagues. This matter has been discovered following questions raised by the Herald newspaper who were sent a copy of the bogus email.  The company are now aware that possible action taken by a person to whom the contents were disclosed may result in significant loss to the company and the charity GO.

The company are bringing this to the attention of the public as they and the charity GO have been subject to intense media attack which is clearly being driven by a third party and which is beyond their control. The Herald newspaper have been made fully aware of the bogus email and its malicious and false content and the necessary authorities have been informed so that a full investigation leading to punitive action can be undertaken.

If anyone is sent a suspicious email please report this to Action for people at