Basingstoke GO! Club & Mini's 24 September

We had a great session at Basingstoke this week with a lot of new faces joining us.img_3570

The children spent most of the time in different groups playing the games they chose.
Some of the children enjoyed playing football and a little basketball. They really enjoyed playing with a couple of new volunteers who are rather sporty!
A group of teenagers enjoyed sitting and chatting and making some craft creations on the art and craft table. They also enjoyed playing snapchat whilst supervised and taking photos of each other using different filters! It was especially amusing when they swapped faces with Lucy!
We played a few party games this session including musical bumps, Simon says and a selection of parachute games. The children enjoyed coming up with their own games.
We are looking forward to the next session!

Find out more about the Basingstoke Club Autumn term here:

And the Basingstoke

Mini’s Autumn term Here: