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For under-fives, nursery schooling takes over from general childcare from the age of around two and a half in the private sector, and three and a half in state pre-school units. So, scarcely is the babe out of nappies before the agonising begins – where to send our precious little mites to start their way in the big, wide world?
You’re under no legal obligation to send your child to nursery – keep them at home if that’s what suits you. But if it doesn’t and you’ve ruled out an all-day childminder, then your choices are between:

Playgroups – or preschool groups – run in the local community, for a few hours a day (you may be expected to help out once a week)
Private nursery schools
State nursery school or nursery unit of a primary school

The childcare you choose will obviously depend both on your child and whether you work so need your child to be looked after for a certain number of hours a day. Playgroups usually offer shorter hours and parents are more heavily involved than in nurseries.