A Comprehensive Cyberbullying Guide for Parents

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A Comprehensive Cyberbullying Guide for Parents
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Digital technology has become ubiquitous in our society. Most people own at least one mobile device. This has its advantages, as people now have access to real-time information and are easily able to communicate with friends, family, and business associates. People are online more than ever and sharing their lives on social media. And this trend is going to continue as new apps and platforms continue to be developed.

85% of Americans own smartphones as of 2021, with 53% owning tablets, according to the Pew Research Center. This number will certainly continue to grow. Another Pew Research Center report stated that 48% of Americans say that they go online several times a day and 31% say they are online almost constantly. Many children and teenagers will have a smartphone and a tablet, while simultaneously having access to a computer either at home, at school, or in internet cafes. Technological devices are here to stay, and they can have either positive or negative effects depending on how they are used.

Unfortunately, continual access to digital information comes with a series of disadvantages. And one of these is the rise of cyberbullying. 24/7 access to digital technology is not an advantage when the technology is being used to harass or discriminate against an individual. It can be a terrible situation where children are bullied around the clock, afraid to turn on their device for what they might find on it. The role of parents is to stay alert to the dangers of over-exposure to these types of technology.